Publications in English
- Greening Through Finance? (with Yuchao Peng, Huanhuan Wang and Zhiwei Xu), Journal of Development Economics, forthcoming;
- The Hidden Cost of Trade Liberalization: Input Tariff Shocks and Worker Health in China (with Faqin Lin and Shu Lin), Journal of International Economics, 2020, 126: 103349;
- Export to Elude (with Yu Liu, Larry D. Qiu and Xiaoxue Zhao), Journal of International Economics, 2020, forthcoming;
- Quality Variable Mark-ups, and Welfare: A Quantitative General Equilibrium Analysis of Export Prices (with Yao Amber Li, Sichuang Xu and Stephen Yeaple), Journal of International Economics, SSCI, 2020, 125: 103327;
- Minimum Wage and Outward FDI from China (with Lixin Tang and Faqin Lin), Journal of Development Economics, 2018, 135: 1-19;
- Connect to Trade (with Haoyuan Ding and Shu Lin), Journal of International Economics, 2018, 110(1): 50-62;
- On the Relationship Between Quality and Productivity: Evidence from China's Accession to the WTO (with Yao Amber Li and Stephen Yeaple), Journal of International Economics, 2018, 110(1): 28-49;
- Domestic Creditor Rights and External Private Debt (with Xiang Gao), Economic Journal, 2017, 127(606): 2410-2440;
- Trade Liberalization, Quality and Export Prices (with Yao Amber Li and Stephen Yeaple), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 97(5), 1033-1051;
- Market Uncertainty and International Trade (with Guangyu Nie and Zhiwei Xu), Review of Economic Dynamics, forthcoming
- Land Use Supervision and Environmental Pollution: Multitasking Bureaucrats and Spillovers Across Regulations (with Guanchun Liu, Huanhuan Wang and Xiaoxue Zhao), The Journal of Law, Economics, and
Organization, forthcoming - Clan Culture and Patterns of Industrial Specialization in China (with Chang Li, Chang Xue and Miaojie Yu), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2023, forthcoming;
- The Effects of Discriminatory Protections on Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions (with Ding, Haoyuan, Chang Li and Dongxiao Larry Qiu), Journal of Comparative Economics, 2023, forthcoming;
- Domestic Tax and Outward Direct Investment: Evidence from Corporate Tax Unification in China (with Yu Liu, Suhua Tian and Xuan Wang), Economic Inquiry, 2023, forthcoming;
- Talented Overseas Returnees and Outward Foreign Direct Investment (with Haoyuan Ding, Yuying Jin and Tong Qi), European Economic Review, 2022, forthcoming;
- Innovation and Inequality in Monetary Schumpeterian Model with Heterogeneous Households and Firms (with Angus Chu, Guido Cozzi, Furuakwa and Chih-Hsing Liao), Review of Economic Dynamics, 2019, 34: 141-164;
- Trade Liberalization and Decentralization of State-owned Enterprises: Evidence from China (with Cui Hu, Faqin Lin and Huanhuan Wang), Economic Inquiry, 2022
- COVID-19, firm exposure, and firm value: A tale of two lockdowns (with Haoyuan Ding and Shu Lin), China Economic Review, 2022, 71, 101721;
- Prevalence of SOEs and intergenerational income persistence: Evidence from China (with Zheng Fang, Bihong Huang, and Mohan Zhou), The World Economy, 2022;
- Import Liberalization and Export Product Mix (With Tuan Anh Luong, Edwin Lai, Lina Zhang), Canadian Journal of Economics, 2022;
- Labor Costs and the adoption of robots in China (with Yichuan Hu and Lixin Tang), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2021, 186: 608-631;
- How China’s Accession to the WTO affects Global Welfare (with Xiang Gao and Lina Zhang), China Economic Review, 2021, 69, 101688;
- Inflation, Unemployment and Economic Growth in a Schumpeterian Economy (with Chu Angus C., Guido Cozzi and Yuichi Furukawa), The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2021, 123(3): 874-909;
- Minimum wages, import status, and firms’ innovation: Theory and Evidence from China (with Chu Angus C., Yuichi Furukawa, Zonglai Kou and Xueyue Liu), Economic Inquiry, 2021, 59(1): 441-458;
- Status-Seeking Culture and Development of Capitalism (with Angus Chu and Xilin Wang), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020, 180: 275-290;
- Risk the Similar: The Spillover Effect of Capital Control(with Qin Gou, Yuchao Peng and Wenjing Xie), Journal of International Money and Finance, 2020, 105;
- Do Stronger Patents Stimulate or Stifle innovation? The Crucial Role of Financial Development (with Angus Chu, Guido Cozzi, Shiyuan Pan and Mengbo Zhang), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2020, 52(5): 1305-1322;
- Global Gains from Reduction in Trade Costs (with Edwin Lai and Steffan Qi), Economic Theory, 2020, 70(1), 313 - 345;
- Trade liberalization and Firms’ export performance in China: Theory and evidence (with Edwin Lai and Steffan Qi), Journal of Comparative Economics, 2019, , 47(3): 640-668;
- Margins of Imports, Forward-Looking Firms, and Exchange Rate Movements (with Yao Amber Li and Chen Carol Zhao), Journal of International Money and Finance, 2018, 81(1), 185-202;
- Input-trade Liberalization and Markups (with Xiang Gao, Yao Amber Li and Tuan Anh Luong), Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018, 46(1): 103-130;
- New Shock, Firm Dynamic and Business Cycle: Evidence and Theory (with Jenny Xu, Xiang Gao and Zhiwei Xu), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2016, 73(12), 159-180;
- Credit Constraint, Quality and Export Prices: Theory and Evidence from China (with Edwin Lai and Yao amber Li), Journal of Comparative Economics, 2015, 43(2), 390-416;
- Effects of International Trade and Intellectual Property Rights on Innovation in China (with Chu Angus C., , Guobing Shen and Xing Zhang), Journal of Macroeconomics, 57(3): 110-121;
- Revisiting Crude Oil Price and China's Stock Market (with Haoyuan Ding, Huanhuan Wang and Wenjin Xie), Annuals of Economics and Finance, 2017, 18(2): 377-391;
- Firm Dynamics in News Driven Business Cycle: The Role of Endogenous Survival Rate, (with Zhiwei Xu), Applied Economics, 2014, 46(15), 1767-1777;
- 技术进步与环境质量:个体效用的作用分析,世界经济文汇,2009年第1期(独著)
- 分析社会的经济分析,世界经济文汇,2009年第4期(第一作者)
- 我国通货膨胀类型的甄别,经济研究,2012年第8期(第二作者)
- 公众预期、货币供给和通货膨胀动态,经济学季刊,2015年第4期(第二作者)
- 产品出口价格、出口质量与生产率间的关系:中国的证据,世界经济,2015年第2期(第一作者)
- 信贷约束对生产率与出口价格关系影响的分析,世界经济,2015年第12期(第一作者)
- 平滑转移空间自回归模型下IV方法参数估计值的一致性研究,统计研究,2018年第4期(第二作者)
- 中间品贸易与中美贸易摩擦——基于理论与量化分析方面的研究,中国工业经济,2018年第9期(第一作者)
- 贸易自由化、成本加成与企业内资源配置,财经研究,2019年第5期(第一作者)
- 最低工资、法律制度变化和企业对外直接投资,管理世界,2019年第11期(第二作者)
- 进口产品种类、产品质量与企业出口产品价格,世界经济,2020年第5期(第一作者)
- 官员考核机制转变与GDP增速的结构性下降,经济研究,2020年第5期(通讯作者)
- 开放还是封闭:基于“中美贸易摩擦”的量化分析,经济学季刊,2020年第4期首篇(第一作者)
- 美国货币政策对中国经济的溢出效应研究,财经研究,2020年第8期(通讯作者)
- 关税与汇率变化对福利水平的影响, 管理世界,2021年第7期,(第一作者)
- 贸易自由化与企业内的产品质量调整,中国工业经济,2022年第1期(第一作者)
- 工资制度变化与员工效应,经济学季刊,2022年第3期(第一作者)
- 外部冲击对中国资本市场的影响研究:基于企业出口的视角,财贸经济,2022年第11期(第二作者)
- 企业并购的传递效应,经济学季刊,2023年第4期(通讯作者)
- 总量控制与结构调整:电力与非电力部门的影响及应对,经济学季刊,2023年第4期(第二作者)
- 全球性公共危机、贸易网络与中国经济,世界经济,2023年第9期(第一作者)
- 最低工资和机器人使用:广延边际和集约边际的差异性影响,经济学季刊,2024年第2期(第一作者)
- 外部经贸冲击、国内要素流动与中国经济增长,经济研究,2024年第7期(第一作者)